Return to Player (RTP) is a term used in gambling and online games to refer to the percentage or prizes that will be returned to a player depending on funds deposited during the game initially. Return to Player is one of the ways to attract players. In Australia and the UK, information about the game cost often includes Return to Player values (for example, the average payout percentage or the percentage of money stakes saved) in order to protect players. (資料來源 )
研究老虎機的統計數據可以幫助玩家更好地了解遊戲的機制和機率。例如,一項研究發現,老虎機的遊戲結果是完全隨機的,且前一次的遊戲結果不會影響下一次的結果。這意味著沒有所謂的“熱”或“冷”機台,每次遊戲都是獨立的事件。 此外,了解不同的遊戲類型和特性也是成功的關鍵。
The UK Gambling Commission allows customers to be informed about the risks in the form of Return to Player or house-edge percentages.[2] For example, a casino may inform the player about a payout percentage of 90%, which means that for $100 bet $90 is going to be returned. The same is for “house-edge percentage” meaning that the casino is having $10 for every $100 spent on the game. Both variants are identical, however in accordance with the so-called framing effect, there is a certain influence on players due to different ways of perception.[3]
According to the results of a study made by the UK Gambling Commission in 2014, it was discovered that a number of players not specializing in the industry do not understand the mechanism of Return to Player. Thus, the complex terms, the usage of mathematical concepts and formulations, the information in English, are mentioned among factors of misunderstanding, which worsens the comprehension of the rules for non-native English speakers. (資料來源 )
讓我們看一個成功的應用實例。假設玩家小明進入了一家賭場,他注意到有一台支付率高達96%的老虎機。他了解到這意味著長期來看,他的回報率可能會相對較高。然而,小明也注意到這台老虎機是一個多支付線機台,要贏得大獎,需要投入相對較高的金額。基於他的預算,小明決定以較小的投注金額進行遊戲,以延長遊戲時間並提高贏錢的機會。 在遊戲的過程中,小明保持冷靜,不會因連續的輸錢而心急。他運用了自己的經驗和知識,知道這是一個隨機遊戲,過去的遊戲結果不會影響未來的結果。
延伸閱讀: 認識3種版本的賠率!